And now for this week's mojo-licious sketch! To play along, just make a card or project using the sketch provided and then use the Mr. Linky form below to post a link to your photo. ETA: Mr. Linky is now closed for this week. The list of entries for this week is at the bottom of this post. If you're just now tuning in and made a card with this sketch, leave us a comment with the url. Since this is not a contest week, there is no time limit - you can play any week at any time. The keyword for online galleries is MOJO69.
And now for a little inspiration from the Mojo Makers...

By Janette Olen

By Julee Tilman
By Maria Gurnsey

By Mary Fish

By Sarah Bigelow

By Teresa Kline

By Wendy Bond
Links have been disabled for this week. If you've made a card with this sketch, please leave the url in the comments section below.