Welcome to another week of Mojo! This Monday we've got a very special challenge for you! Today's mojo sketch is doubling as one of the challenges in this week's
Stampin' Out Alzheimer's (SOA) event. A small donation (see link in the sidebar) gets you access to this week-long virtual stamping event, which has all sorts of challenges and chances to win some fabulous prizes. All proceeds from this event will go directly to the
Alzheimer's Association, which is a cause dear to my heart. The association provides valuable information, education and support for Alzheimer's patients and their families, as well as funding research to find a cure for this frightening disease. One of my good friends,
Jen Tapler, founded this event. Her dad has been rapidly progressing through the stages of Alzheimer's, and having watched those stages first-hand with my great-grandma as a young child, and more recently my grandfather, my heart breaks for her and the grandfather this disease is cheating her son out of. So if you have a few dollars to spare, please particpate in this fundraiser. Not only can you win some fabulous prizes, but you can make a DIFFERENCE!
We'll play the sketch here on the blog just like normal. Make a project using the provided sketch and post it on your blog or online gallery and then leave the link to your photo in the Mr. Linky form below. For those of you who wish to participate in the SOA event, all you have to do to be entered in the contest to win some Verve Stamps is also upload your sketch card over on the SOA site with the tag
soamojo. There will be a challenge thread located in the Challenges/Announcements tab that will have all the details and the hostess can answer all your questions. For those of you who like my sketches, I've also designed another sketch for the SOA event. Just look for the Verve Stamps Sketch Challenge in the Card Challenges section.
Okay, enough chatter. Here are a few fabulous samples from the Mojo Design Team to get your creative juices flowing:

Janette Olen
Julee Tilman
Maria Gurnsey
Mary Fish
Sarah Bigelow
Teresa Kline
Wendy BondLinks are now closed. If you've played along after the deadline, feel free to leave your url in a comment. Thanks for playing!