And now for some inspirational eye candy from the Mojo Makers:

By: Janette Olen

By: Julee Tilman
By: Maria Gurnsey

By: Mary Fish

By: Sarah Bigelow

By: Teresa Kline

By: Wendy Bond
Mr. Linky Note: Please be sure to link directly to the url where we can view/comment on your creation. If you're linking to a blog, to get the full link for your post just click the title of the post you want to link to and copy and paste the url in the address bar into the Mr. Linky form. Your link should start with http:// and if you're using Blogger and have done the link correctly, it should end in .html.
Links are closed for this week. If you've played along after the deadline, please leave the url in a comment. Thanks for playing! :)